I have been a HelperGuy for a long-time. Even as a kid I was fascinated by taking things apart and putting them back together again. To date, I have renovated two homes of my own. But why should you choose HelperGuy for your home?

It doesn't matter if you're married or single, young or old - everyone can use a little help around the house once in a while.

  • Are you overwhelmed by all of the projects that have been piling up around your house?
  • Are you just not handy?
  • Do you have an older parent depending on you to maintain and fix things where they live?
  • Are you moving and would like everything on your list done before you put your home on the market?
  • Do you want to avoid the hassle of hiring a separate guy for every little thing that goes wrong at your home?
  • Do you value your time and simply have too much to do?


HelperGuySM • Chicago, IL • steve@helperguy.com
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